Kingfisher Schools Trust

Our Schools

As a group of schools, we value being part of a multi-academy trust.  Collectively, we are starting to forge new pathways in key educational areas including (but not limited to) curriculum, safeguarding, behaviour, English as an additional language (EAL) and attendance. This is the start of a journey towards consistency of principles and policies within our schools.  Importantly, we value individuality and encourage our schools to maintain their character and uniqueness through their application of the agreed principles.

Collaboration is really important to us so that we can always be at the forefront of innovation. As you can see from our showcased news items, we celebrate success and work as a team to share great practice.

Our schools are amazing places to be.  Staff go above and beyond to support families and develop communities. Children and young people are encouraged to be independent thinkers and resilient life-long learners.  Ultimately, we aim to Achieve Success Together.

 Our Schools